# Nmap 7.80 scan initiated Thu Sep 26 21:07:03 2019 as: nmap -sV -sC -O -A -oN O-Detailed -p 22,80,443 (0.22s latency).PORTSTATESERVICEVERSION22/tcpopensshOpenSSH5.9p1Debian5ubuntu1.10 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol2.0)|ssh-hostkey:|102496:4c:51:42:3c:ba:22:49:20:4d:3e:ec:90:cc:fd:0e (DSA)|204846:bf:1f:cc:92:4f:1d:a0:42:b3:d2:16:a8:58:31:33 (RSA)|_256e6:2b:25:19:cb:7e:54:cb:0a:b9:ac:16:98:c6:7d:a9 (ECDSA)80/tcpopenhttpApachehttpd2.2.22 ((Ubuntu))|_http-server-header:Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)|_http-title:Sitedoesn't have a title (text/html).443/tcp open ssl/http Apache httpd 2.2.22 ((Ubuntu))|_http-server-header: Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)|_http-title: Site doesn'thaveatitle (text/html).|ssl-cert:Subject:commonName=valentine.htb/organizationName=valentine.htb/stateOrProvinceName=FL/countryName=US|Notvalidbefore:2018-02-06T00:45:25|_Notvalidafter:2019-02-06T00:45:25|_ssl-date:2019-09-26T15:29:40+00:00; -7m54sfromscannertime.Warning:OSScanresultsmaybeunreliablebecausewecouldnotfindatleast1openand1closedportAggressiveOSguesses:Linux2.6.32-3.5 (95%), Linux 3.0 (95%), Linux 2.6.38 - 3.0 (94%), Nokia N9 phone (Linux2.6.32) (94%), Linux 3.2 (94%), Linux 2.6.38 - 2.6.39 (94%), Linux 2.6.39 (94%), Linux 3.5 (93%), Linux 2.6.32 - 3.10 (93%), Linux 2.6.32 - 3.9 (93%)NoexactOSmatchesforhost (test conditionsnon-ideal).NetworkDistance:2hopsServiceInfo:OS:Linux; CPE:cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernelHostscriptresults:|_clock-skew:-7m54sTRACEROUTE (using port443/tcp)HOPRTTADDRESS1219.71ms10.10.14.12219.86ms10.10.10.79OSandServicedetectionperformed.Pleasereportanyincorrectresultsathttps://nmap.org/submit/.# Nmap done at Thu Sep 26 21:07:36 2019 -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 33.04 seconds
As the web page signals towards the heartbleed bug, I downloaded a script and tested and exploit for heartbleed. You can download the script from the link below.
The heartbleed.py script was dumping a base64 encoded string in form of a $text parameter, which when decoded seemed like a password i.e. heartbleedbelievethehype
Now the next task was to find a username of some kind to test the password against the SSH service, so I ran gobuster and found the following directories, out of which /dev seemed very interesting.
hype_key seemed an interesting file, however it was hex encoded to after decoding it form hex, it turned out to be a private RSA key for probably SSH. If going by the naming convention hype_key seemed that it's a key for the user hype.
However I was not able to read the file, because it was a socket file, so I moved away from this and tried enumerating the history of the current user.